The 2022 NTT Indycar CSM MOD is ready but, unfortunately, I won't be able to release it in public.
I've purchased the RSS Formula America MOD and made the conversion from their MOD which is great work. However, the email sent to them requesting permission to convert to GP4 was not even responded to me and, following the rules of this forum, it means that officially I do not have permission for the public release.
I think that this kind of conversion does not compete with the original game, it's the opposite, I think this puts highlights on the original work made to other games than GP4.
Our community is much friendlier and the great works made here are for free, I think it's difficult for other people to understand that.
This MOD is an update from the previous ones, the cars, helmets, visors, team art, tires, and rims are all new. The structure of the MOD is similar to the F1 2022 MOD made by Carl_gpgames. The performance files are not real as well the physics and torque files. If you find any problem with the textures and shapes let me know, the MOD was not well tested and some problems may happen. The MOD is not perfect at all but it was the best I could do, some bugs are expected.
I would like to thank
Kyle.bloyd from Racedepartment for permitting me to use the textures of the cars, helmets, and drivers made by him and his friends. There are only 2 or 3 missing textures for the entire season which means an unbelievably complete work.
Special thanks go to
Fongu for helping me with some issues during the construction of the MOD and, especially, for his contribution to the GP4 which has been stunning over the years.
Those who left a comment on this thread will automatically receive the links to download the MOD. Others who eventually have an interest in having the links, kindly contact me by PM.
The MOD is huge, it took long months to be made, and I hope you enjoy it!

Fix real performance files: []
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2022 02:13PM by rracunis.