1993 Formula 1 Season Helmet Set [released][updated][v1.21]

Posted by Öggo 
Hello everyone,

I have been working on this project for quite some time now, and I'm proud to finally release it. The set includes all 35 drivers that partecipated during the Formula1 1993 Season, with as many track-specific versions as I was able to identify, plus some special off-season ones. This includes tobacco and no-tobacco sponsorship, changes in design and even simple changes of which and where the logos were being used. The only notable absence is Lehto's Monaco lid, but you're going to have to forgive me for refusing do draw up such madness with so very little photograpic material available LOL
I've also included driver-specific helmet shapes, to include those subtle but important differences like air vents, intakes, rings, visor strip, balaclava and which side the radio wire was used in by each and every driver. For now, all are based on my Arai GP-3, with the hope that, one day, maybe, no promisese or guarantees expressed or implied, the set might get updated with new shapes for the other brands as well.


*** Update V1.1 ***
Drivers using Shoei helmets (Alesi, Senna, DeCesaris, Badoer and Suzuki) have been updated to use the new Shoei X4 helmet shape released a few days ago, each one with their driver-specific shape and track-specific textures. Badoer also ran an Arai duing FP in Monaco, which is also included in the pack.
Textures and shapes for Katayama, after carefully reviewing pictures, have been updated

*** Update V1.11 ***
Fixed all Shoei helmet shapes for some inverted faces. Thanks Fongu for spotting the bug!

*** Update V1.2 ***
Drivers that used Bell M3, XFM-1 and Vortex helmets (Schumacher, Andretti, Warwick, Naspetti, Comas, Fittipaldi, Gounon, Barbazza, Brundle), each one with their driver-specific shape and track-specific textures. Additionally, a very special one brought you by the master himself Fongu: Lehto's Monaco special livery.

*** Update V1.21 ***
Fixed Barbazza's textures (were flipped in v1.20). Thanks Kyle24427 for spotting the bug!

-> MediaFire <-

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2025 08:52PM by Öggo.
Fantastic helmet pack Diego!

Thank you very much for share.


PLEASE VISIT: Grand Prix Mods Blog
Re: 1993 Formula 1 Season Helmet Set [released][v1.0]
Date: March 03, 2022 09:18PM
Posted by: fongu
Incredible work, love all the attention to detail, a massive upgrade to the existing shape. Thanks

:-o Oggo is on fire!! Thanks man! Brilliant work as always!

brilliant helmets my friend and thank you very much for the great package :-)(Y)
You're an absolute genius, thank you for that !
Re: 1993 Formula 1 Season Helmet Set [released][v1.0]
Date: March 04, 2022 08:31AM
Posted by: npnc
Thank you very much!
Wonderful! Thanks man!
This's amazing Diego, lots of work here to put all these detailed helmets' textures and shapes into the MOD but it'll definitely worth it!
I don't know which mistake am doing, the 1993 MOD loads the textures but the shapes are not working properly. I've tried all possible configurations from other MODs which use the helmet tweak but couldn't sort the problem out.
If someone who could share the correct configurations would be great.
Thanks in advance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2022 05:41PM by rracunis.
Re: 1993 Formula 1 Season Helmet Set [released][v1.0]
Date: March 05, 2022 07:41PM
Posted by: Öggo
Thank you very much, everyone. I very much appreciate the kind words :)

rracunis Wrote:
> I don't know which mistake am doing, the 1993 MOD
> loads the textures but the shapes are not working
> properly. I've tried all possible configurations
> from other MODs which use the helmet tweak but
> couldn't sort the problem out.
> If someone who could share the correct
> configurations would be great.
> Thanks in advance.
> [i.imgur.com]
> [i.imgur.com]

It looks like the original helmet shape is being loaded. Check that the tweak is correctly enabled through patch.ini or the cap file and that the individual helmet shapes follow the correct naming convention. Also, if you're using CSM, make sure the files are being correctly loaded into cars.wad, some tinkering with the mod ini files might be required.

Re: 1993 Formula 1 Season Helmet Set [released][v1.0]
Date: March 05, 2022 08:51PM
Posted by: fongu
If you're updating CSM, I rename the helmets and put them in the cars folder. car_XYZ_helmet1_lod_0.
I know that Carl renamed them and put them in the helmets folder in the 2021 mod, that will work as well, but CSM automates the naming convention if you place it in the cars folder.

Thanks for the replies. I’ll have a look today again, the original helmet shapes have been loading for some reason along with the new textures and the renamed shapes. I don’t know from where the MOD has loaded them, definitely these shapes are not into the MOD
Issue solved, there was some file on the patch folder which was causing the problem. Thanks for the help Diego and Kev(Y)
would you mind to share your solution?
quickslick Wrote:
> would you mind to share your solution?

Sure mate, am not at home, as soon as I can, I'll send to you
that's great, thank you very much Ricardo :)


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