Jorge's thread !! 87 track updates posted.Hungaroring 2020 v1.0 and Hungaroring 2021 v1.0 released 28/11/2024

Posted by JCaranti 
Great track Jorge, thanky you very much!

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Carl_gpgames Wrote:
> Great track Jorge, thanky you very much!

Thanks Carl !!,
I posted 2 of the pictures in the first message of the topic.
I hope thats ok.

More tracks really soon (B)

2010 to 2021 Gp4 Track updates Jorge's Track updates blog
Thank you very much for your fantastic job Jorge!
Look forward to new updates!!
Absolutely outstanding attention to detail.

That you seem to be able to take your work to even greater levels of perfection with each new release is truly remarkable.

Thank you so much.
Nice one, Jorge

Very good.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Looking good Jorge!! Thank you!! (Y) (Y)

Glenn (Cdn)
great work again from you, thank you very much :)(Y)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2020 04:10PM by quickslick.
As said above, really outstanding attention to detail. Thank you for keeping these tracks updated for us, it's appreciated!
Hi guys,
Thank you for the comments. I appreciate them and it gives me inspiration to continue.

You can find it in the first message of this topic.

Please post a picture in the game with the proper mod of the season of the Spa 2019 (Y)

Kind regards

2010 to 2021 Gp4 Track updates Jorge's Track updates blog
Thanks, love these track updates.

Is there a place I can download your older tracks?

Great work on Hungaroring and SPA 2019, Jorge! Thank you very much! Nice details and textures! (Y)


gp4 still doesn't look bad 18 years later.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Carl_gpgames Wrote:
> Great, thank you Jorge!

Thanks Carl. (Y)

fongu Wrote:
> Thanks, love these track updates.
> Is there a place I can download your older tracks?

Your welcome Kev.
Check your PM box please.

Excalibur Wrote:
> Great work on Hungaroring and SPA 2019, Jorge!
> Thank you very much! Nice details and textures!
> (Y)

Thank you Arnaud. :-) :-)

2010 to 2021 Gp4 Track updates Jorge's Track updates blog
Turbo Lover Wrote:
> gp4 still doesn't look bad 18 years later.

Yes Ruben. 100% agreee. (Y)

2010 to 2021 Gp4 Track updates Jorge's Track updates blog

Sometimes I wonder if Geoff finds out how we've kept his GP4 alive ...

Mods & Tracks for GP4 - []

Keeping alive the GP4
He has a secret account on this forum.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Beautiful tracks Jorge! Thanks for sharing your work!
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