1995 Betatester needed!

Posted by Ghostrider 
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:40AM
Posted by: Didigp4
@Ianwoolman : are you trying to find the coordinates for helmets and arms ? If so I'll let you do it but if you don't everything tell me... Anyway I'm interested in helping for this mod ;-)

I'll send a mail very quickly Ghostrider ! I wanna test it !
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:43AM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Don't know what I've done! but my tyre has just turned like this for no reason whatsoever!

Anyone know what the problem is?

I've just magaed to fix it so it dosn't matter now, one other thing I've noticed about the mod, the Players car seems to be alot faster down the straights than the CC Cars, I remember someone posting this problem with random BHP been chosen for players car, anyway we could possibly find out how to disable this?

Thanks In Advance

Post Edited (05-23-03 12:59)

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 07:35AM
Posted by: Ghostrider
Well THX for this tipps! Now i can go on working!

Regards Andy
Carshape & Texture Design Project (www.ctdp.de.vu)
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 07:44AM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Keep up the Great work! This mod is fantastic!!!!

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 09:14AM
Posted by: b-tone
This mod is fantastic!!!!
Sure is!

Good one, Ian, for the prob finding. I can't understand why a bad helmet shape causes the ctd AFTER its been used? wierd.

What did you base the performance data on, Andy?


Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 09:32AM
Posted by: Ghostrider
Littlejumper created the performance and Physics. So i don't know what he used as base.

Regards Andy
Carshape & Texture Design Project (www.ctdp.de.vu)
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 10:14AM
Posted by: IanWackett
It seems like the qualifying performance and race performance are the wrong way round.

And by the way, this mod is great.

Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 10:29AM
Posted by: Anonymous User
grrr...wish my posts would stop deleting themselves :';(

Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 11:34AM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Neither can I! bit weird! The helmets are screwed up on mine cause the helmet textures made for the 95 mod are totally different to the basic GP4 helmet, but I don't care, at least I can play it without it constantly CTD. It seems that the problem b-tone brought up about the full race is also the same for qualifying, have anything less than 50 mins then cars just don't bother to qualify, still not a major problem. Seen as this mod is a Beta! I can't wait for the final mod to come out!!!!!


PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 02:02PM
Posted by: Caelen
tosolve the bhp difference make sure car power team dependent is selected in gpx patch. according to the performance file these cars have about 720 HP, the default is 855 so if you dont pick hp team dependent youve got 130 HP bonus.
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 02:33PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Team dependant was selected, I managed to fix it by changing the Physics from williams to jordan, werid one but seems to work ok now! Thanks anyway


PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 03:13PM
Posted by: Caelen
found a small bug, exterior mirrors on sauber car no 1 (karl wendlinger) dont work, fine on all other cars
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 04:26PM
Posted by: b-tone
1 - the left mirror textures (in cockpit view) seem to be a little messed up on some/most cars.
2 - i made a quick wheel based on a gp3 one, and found this display(?) thing behind it.
3 - is this normal for tyres?

btw - i changed the helmets to the originals and there no problem - still don't see how that would be a problem tho.


Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 04:46PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
B-Tone:- I also get that problem with the tyres, looks like half the textures have gone wrong somewhere, probably be cured in the next release. Regarding the helmets, all I can think is that when you press ESC, GP4 is unable to unload the Helmet shape from the memory properly, hence causing it to CTD. I would have expected it to crash at startup rather than exiting. That wheel is excellent b-tone! Really suits the cockpit well! I've managed to get a decent picture of a Tyrrell 1995 steering wheel and I was wondering how do you move all the LED's on the steering wheel? (e.g. Lights, Driving Aids Lights etc. . . )

Ghostrider:- Also noticed another small problem on full races, Pitstops for some reason seem to last between 12-17 seconds, in 1995 because of Slick tyres, I think most teams used to run 2-3 stop strategies and the odd team ran a 1 stop strategy, so pit stops used to last between 6-8 seconds.

Thanks In Advance

Post Edited (05-23-03 23:48)

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:36PM
Posted by: Ghostrider
Is there a editor where we can change the pitstop time?


Regards Andy
Carshape & Texture Design Project (www.ctdp.de.vu)
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:42PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Pitstop times can be changed in GP4Tweaker by changing the rate that fuel flows into the car.

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:47PM
Posted by: Caelen
madmans gp4 tweaker can alter pit stop timing.

ianwollem there are three hapes associated with cockpit, cockpit.gp4, cockpit_wheel,cockpit_dash, the cockpit shape is acombination of the other two, you can delete this shape as it is not used by gp4. the dash is editable by default but the wheel isnt. either import the wheel from the dash or use the one already created by someone else as a base (momo wheel somewhere, search this forum)

i guess you coul try merging the dash components into the wheel and see what happens.

the performance file seems way too slow for me, i did a race at monaco and i was 3 seconds faster than everyone else, i was running 1.23 and every one els 1.26, im not that good. i used the benneton physics file.
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:50PM
Posted by: Caelen
just a thought but is there a way currently, or perhaps we could ask at gpx forum, to associate cars.wad and anim.wad with a performane file, then i wouldnt need separate installs, just select season and physics in gpx patch and away you go.
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 05:53PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Thanks Caelen, I'll try that tomorrow! I also find I'm much faster than the CC cars. But the CC cars are driving at 1995 pace, producing 1995 standard lap times, so the Performance files are fine, you could try the physics for someone like Forti or Minardi to slow you down, but I think that a generic physics file will need to be created slowing the player down to 95 speeds.

I've read up on a utility that can do that! Its some sort of Carset Manager, Havent tested it out properly yet though. Heres the link for the forum post



Post Edited (05-24-03 00:55)

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: 1995 Betatester needed!
Date: May 23, 2003 11:17PM
Posted by: b-tone
Carset Manager is great. Once you've loaded in all the required stuff for each season/set its just 2 clicks and your in 1995!
It'll be awesome once an official version is released.

I could have a go at doing a performance file. what exactly is wrong with this one? anyone tried a gp3 one?


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