Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]

Posted by TGF1DRIVER 
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe
Date: December 26, 2013 01:48PM
Posted by: EricMoinet
You're welcome :) (Y)

Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 28, 2013 12:29AM
Posted by: TGF1DRIVER
But now the next problem appeared! :( Since I have installed the Patch 9.6, the graphics are a bit jerky, which disturbs pretty. :-O I never had such jerky graphics before, so I think it might be a problem with Patch 9.6. I tried another download of that, but nothing changed. Then I tried another version of GPx-Patch. I tried another decrypted.exe. Changed 0 to 1 in f1graphics.cfg. Tried different tracks. Tried different cars.wads. Calibrated the in-game graphics for many times and tried out several different combinations of the graphic-settings. Installed Directx 8.1 again. But nothing of that helped, so I ended up here again to ask for your help. What is left to try?

Greetings, TGF1DRIVER
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 28, 2013 12:48AM
Posted by: mortal
System specs?

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 28, 2013 01:46AM
Posted by: TGF1DRIVER
I don't think it's a problem with the system. I'm still using VM Lite XP Modes, because I don't trust in Windows 7. You know, I drove more than 200 complete races on the few XP Modes I have and the game has never crashed yet during a race (except freezing errors with 3 or 4 special tracks, but I fixed this already). I started a complete race on Windows 7 once, but the game crashed after about 75% of the race distance. hot A screen with something like "GP4.exe has occured a problem and have to be closed. Searching for a solution for a problem." appeared and that was it, the race was over then. So never ever again I will drive a GP4 race with Windows 7! I hope you understand this decision. I already changed some settings with the XP Mode's graphics, but nothing changed.
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 28, 2013 02:56AM
Posted by: mortal
There is detailed information in the FAQ on running GP4 with Win 7. I've never experienced a problem with it. What you are experiencing is graphics lag. If a game crashes after running it for a good while, such as 75% of a race, as you say it did in Win 7, it is likely that overheating has occured. Also, there is an addition problem with running in a VM environment, such as the additional horesepower required just to create the environment itself. That alone is a very good reason to run within a Win 7 shell and not attempt to run two shells at once, as you are doing. I'd still like to see your system specs.
Download Speccy from Piriform.

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 28, 2013 10:06AM
Posted by: EricMoinet
You can't play Hardware Mode on a virtual machine (the graphic card is just emulated). Probably the reason of your graphic issue.

Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 29, 2013 01:15AM
Posted by: TGF1DRIVER
You won't believe it, but I have set up a complete new XP Mode and on this one there is no jerky graphic anymore! (H) I only installed the official 9.6 Patch directly after the first installation of the game and then I installed GPxPatch, Team-Editor, decrypted.exe and other tracks and my own cars. I think my mistake was that I have installed the 9.6 Patch after everything else at the old XP Mode. The only thing I don't understand is that there are other TV-displays now (I think this are the original ones from TV). Is there a way to get back the old GPxPatch displays?
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 29, 2013 02:52AM
Posted by: mortal
I'd like to sit in front of your computer and make GP4 run on Win 7, just buy me a plane ticket. :-) Try enabling the panels in gpx for starters. Disable the overlays in the in-game graphic options.

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 29, 2013 05:43PM
Posted by: TGF1DRIVER
I could do this as well, but with XP Modes there isn't the danger to lost some tracks. One XP Mode with all original tracks and one or two other ones with different download tracks. As I said already, I don't trust GP4 running with Windows 7 anymore, and an overheating problem as you said is not faceable I think. :-) Where can I enable panels in GPx? I can't find it....
Re: Problem with decrypted.exe [fixed]
Date: December 31, 2013 03:07AM
Posted by: SDI
The panels are in GPxCInfo. The TV overlays are in GPxSAT. So these should be enabled.

René Smit, Independent Software Developer.
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