2002 Tracks and Cars

Posted by Whitey 
2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 02:47AM
Posted by: Whitey
Just a suggestion for grandprixgames.org

It would be great if all the best cars and track graphics were compiled into easily installable season packs. Maybe we could vote on which are best and the winners go into a set rather than just relying on one guys opinion.

I know it's a bit of work, but it is similar to what emac has been doing for years. Maybe include preview pics and we'll vote.

Whatever site does this first will be the leading GP4 site and the one all will look to for future updates. At the moment there are numerous good GP4 sites but no GREAT sites. I believe that something like this would put grandprixgames.org ahead of the pack and THE grand prix site of choice.

I'd be intersted to hear others thoughts on this matter.

Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 02:51AM
Posted by: Ellis
FACT: Ralph Hummerichs are the best - but hes not 100% sure if hes making one because people keep steeling his work :(

Its a shame, but since GP4 came out a couple of new artists have appeared. Im impressed by Vipers Tabacoo 2001 set - as is most people.

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Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 02:59AM
Posted by: Whitey
That's exactly why we should have something like this cause it is dum to rely on one person, especially if he has issues.

Even if we had 11 really good atrists doing one car each we could have a fanatstic set.
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 03:10AM
Posted by: Ellis
yeah but EMAC sets are really just Ralphs now. At the moment we cant really do that as the game is new and there will be lots of artist with stuff in the works. Wait until everything settles down, we have a bunch of standard file types and editors and then it will be easier. At the moment theres several editors - which is bad - we need just one and the files can be distrubuted in that editors format

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
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Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 03:20AM
Posted by: Whitey
Good point about the editors. It would certainly be easier with a standard format, however as long as we can use the cars does it really matter how they are initially manufactured, or how they are installed (as long as it is easy).
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 03:35AM
Posted by: Ellis
Well thats just it - with GP3 - all carsets were distributed in ".gp3" format - for GP3Edit - so we would use that to export.

With GP3 2000 u either use GPx to enter the carset, or u use CarSetCreator.

At the moment we have to main editors


Both are not finished yet and both still have bugs. And of course they store there own files differently.

So you could download a set, find that its ment for GPMaster, and you have CSC4. Know wot i mean?

The Viper carset i just got recently was exe format and wored well. Other than this exe, i have never been able to install any car properly into the game yet due to the different detail levels and stuff

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
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Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 03:54AM
Posted by: Whitey
There is no reason with the whole community working on the carset that someone cannot create an self extracting exe file (I know that winzip has this capability).

I don't have all the answers, I just think that the concept is a good one. We can work on the minor details, such as the distribution format later. As I said in an earlier thread, you have brought up a good point and one which we'll have to consider, but it's not something that should hold up the project.

Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 04:07AM
Posted by: LS.
jan frisckhorn's used to be awesome but he's not released anything for a few years now concerning F1

shame, i preferred his work at the time more than ralphs

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ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 03:29PM
Posted by: Whitey
The point is that there may be great car and track editors out there that are dismissed due to the fact that they have made only a hanful of cars or tracks.

See Ric Lamberts Seepang 2002 track. While Brunos tracks are great, he doesn't have a Seepang 02 track at the moment. We could have a more complete trackset if we combined resourses. I don't mean lets just put any crap work in there, just those that are acknowledged to be of a certain standard.

No one really wants to try one car or one track at a time.

We really just need a test team. I'll give it a go and I'm sure others will get behind me on this.

Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 05:05PM
Posted by: Ellis
I see where your coming from

But someone tried this in the early days on GP3. All he did was write a text file saying - i recomend u get this etc

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 05:32PM
Posted by: NunoEspadinha
in fact emac is more than Ralph.. we can't onl talk about the cars.. we have the excellent menuarts from Jouko, helmets from Td and others... and now it's there the 2002 carset for gp3 v1.13 with cars from Bojan Tarticchio...

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Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 21, 2002 09:50PM
Posted by: Whitey
Well I was thinking of something a little bit more substantial than a list. Maybe a season pack, or at least car and track sets that are easily executable (you saw how excited people got about the BIG season 2002 pack (despite how crappy it was).

This is what people want, something that is easy to install and of good quality. I remember a few years back there was an ultimate GP2 project going. Something similar for GP4 would be great.

Once again I know it's a lot of work but if we work together then we could do this easy. You saw how well we can work together when we were detecting bugs. We just need a project coordinator and a web site (grandprixgames.org would be great for this)

Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 22, 2002 12:46AM
Posted by: -qwerty-
LS, I was a huge fan of Jan F's cars and helmets, prefered them to RH's by far. I was actually in contact with him a while back for help with car painting. He sent a Marlboro typeset and lucky strike logos. Nice guy.

Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 22, 2002 02:02PM
Posted by: Ellis
"you saw how excited people got about the BIG season 2002 pack "

actaully on this forum it was the opposite. Nobody really cared cos the steering wheel was crap and the GPx was out of date by the time you downloaded it.

Most of that patheticly huge file was videos anyway, which is stupid considering most people are on 56K :@

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 22, 2002 04:18PM
Posted by: Whitey
But the fact is that people downloaded it and talked about it, because this is what people want, regardless of how crap it was or how long they kept it on their computers.
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 22, 2002 05:12PM
Posted by: Ellis
not on dis forum, nobody took huge notice of it here, check the archives.

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 23, 2002 09:38AM
Posted by: NunoEspadinha
get the steering wheel from Ad Hoc..

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Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 23, 2002 11:21AM
Posted by: Ellis
I prefer the orgional at the moment, i like it :D

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 23, 2002 05:38PM
Posted by: Whitey
I must admit at the moment I'm preferring Vaders 2001 Tobacco carset.
Re: 2002 Tracks and Cars
Date: July 23, 2002 06:56PM
Posted by: Vader
Thank you very much Whitey. I am glad you like my 2001 Tobacco carset. It was a very difficult thing to do and it is always good to get response from those who use what you have made. Yes, I am a bit proud of it

(Errr, which carset was it you said I made? Should quit taking these pils, can't the heck remeber ever having done a carset in my life, but if Whitey says so ...)

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