brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME

Posted by brnco 
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:08PM
Posted by: mortal
This is ridiculous and pathetic. Asking your peers whether you should go or stay? Anyone would think that you are incapable of making an informed decision yourself. I thought I'd pretty much seen everything on these boards. Apparently not!
You sir are a relative newbie here, some members have been on these boards for years, you can't just waltz in here and expect to gain the immediate friendship and respect of everyone here, you have to earn it and it takes time.
You are entitled to your freedom of opinion, but having said that, if you post something here that is blatantly BS without researching your post, you can well expect to receive some flack for your trouble.
Because people disagree with you and and or find fault with the facts in your posts does not mean they are insulting you. Calling you stupid for posting blatantly incorrect facts is not an insult, they are just telling it like it is ;-) Get over it mate, this is a public discussion forum where free speech reigns, as long as it is not offensive by its nature.
Read the rules of the forum. If you have disagreements with members of these forums take it to the pm service, don't drag the boards down with arguments/flamefest slagging sessions in public, we'd all much rather be reading something else much more interesting.
It's your choice whether you decide to stay or go, if you go you will be laying the blame at the feet of the members which is out of order. If you stay you prove to yourself that you can cop it on the chin. It has nothing to do with the members here at all, not our responsibility.

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:09PM
Posted by: danm
lol @ Ioque, got my view down to a crisp T!

please, just post less because 100% of your posts right now are not enjoyed by pretty much 99% of this active forum member list.

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it
are you still planning to wait till turkish gp or are you thinking of making a decision right now?
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:17PM
Posted by: chet
What ive learned here is you say something stupid and youll get some stupid back.

They are not all bad people here, just people who like to have a joke and poke at some ;)]

edit -

brnco Wrote:
> You see everyone is corrupting hystory and yet I'm
> the only ome that is beeing insulted for that.
> Just look at what iceman paul wrote moments ago.
> He actually enjoys "slagging me off",. So please
> go to my new thread and vote. Thank you

From the Alonso thread, just reply to him something about Keane being @#$%& ;)

"Trulli was slowing down like he wanted to have a picnic" LOL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2007 11:18PM by chet.
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:37PM
Posted by: gav
loque Wrote:
> Chet, Nickv etc are> established members who have
> done nothing but sensibly and calculatedly discuss
> what they love.

Are you and brnco the same man? You can't just come along spouting that drivel as fact. It's simply wrong. No 2 ways about it. WTF were you thinking?
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:42PM
Posted by: Morbid
jawwad01 Wrote:
> are you still planning to wait till turkish gp or
> are you thinking of making a decision right now?

LoL! Awesome!

It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything.
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:42PM
Posted by: chet
Haha, yeah I was going to say something about that sentance, I quite liked it though, so didn't ;)

"Trulli was slowing down like he wanted to have a picnic" LOL
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 07, 2007 11:54PM
Posted by: Sapo
Brnco, i have to say, you have a way of stirring things up a bit around here, so therefore kudos.

Whether you stay or go however, doesn't interest me at all.


Some say... he's even smaller than 20kb.
And some say... he's so offensive he could get you into trouble...
The only thing we know is that he's called...


Felipe Massa, World Champion 15:34:11pm- 15:34:21pm.
I feel harmed not being in your insulting list :) (and the moon seems to have vacant rooms)
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 12:23AM
Posted by: danm
lol! @ jawwad01! hahah!! instant overnight forum celebrity with that quote! hillarious :P bravo!

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

edit: what the hell does this have to do with F1?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2007 12:58AM by matt3454.
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 01:03AM
Posted by: Sapo
Well, it's about the same problem as Alonso is facing ;)


Some say... he's even smaller than 20kb.
And some say... he's so offensive he could get you into trouble...
The only thing we know is that he's called...


Felipe Massa, World Champion 15:34:11pm- 15:34:21pm.
Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 01:15AM
Posted by: FRESCO
You should stay, providing you start discussing things in a reasonable and sensible manner. Running around typing endless rubbish, especially in vast quantities and over many small individual posts, will not win you friends.

We are actually quite lucky here, most of the members I've come across are good with what they write, and when an argument breaks out at least people back up their opinions instead of posting back with something randomly insulting because someone is disagreeing with them. I went on the ITV-F1 forums the other day and those boards are a mess. Complete fanboys who take things to far and can't discuss anything, or take onboard other peoples opinions, or even type for that matter.


Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 01:19AM
Posted by: chet
Oh yeah lol, the old ITV forums were not much different :p

They were closed for a reason, and I wont be supprised if they are closed again ;)

Anyway , I think you should stay, new members are always good :D, the more the better.

"Trulli was slowing down like he wanted to have a picnic" LOL
i don't agree with u in any thing u wrote in this forum... but that is not
a problem.. i think u should stay and u will learn something new and how to
deal with people here... i got insulting few times here before but i manage
to deal with it, it just conversation people say stuff they think it is right
and sometimes some poeple can't excpet ur opinion so it doesn't matter u just
did what u have to do u said ur opinion and u can defend it....

so don't get mad even u are the one who started it just let it go and try to be
less offensive..

i say yes but u are not a great 0_o

speed freak
Having and voicing an opinion is fine, but sometimes you just take it a bit to far and start talking complete crap. And you start a lot of random threads, and sometimes you start them in the wrong forum *cough*

Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 11:20AM
Posted by: Anonymous User
gav Wrote:
> loque Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Chet, Nickv etc are> established members who
> have
> > done nothing but sensibly and calculatedly
> discuss
> > what they love.
> Are you and brnco the same man? You can't just
> come along spouting that drivel as fact. It's
> simply wrong. No 2 ways about it. WTF were you
> thinking?

All relative :P
Why do we have another pointless thread? TBH, this guy brnco reminded me of the classic power-hungry newbie... wanted to make friends with the big guys and gain their respect quickly so he could get away with starting semi-pointless threads and posting crap!

If I'm brutally honest, I really couldn't give a flying f**k whether he stays or goes. The fact I'm writing this means I've wasted 2 minutes making a decision I knew about when I saw his first thread.

Everyone knows that million-to-one chances happen 9 times out of 10; indeed, it's a common requirement in fairy tales. If the human didn't have to overcome huge odds, what would be the point? Terry Pratchett - The Science Of Discworld

GPGSL S5 Race driver for IED.

Re: brnco: "should I stay, or should I go" VOTING TIME
Date: August 08, 2007 12:25PM
Posted by: mortal
You didn't have to post, lol :-)

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
But you needed to post that, Mal? ;);)

Oh and chet, you know Keane are the best really.. ;-)

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