New car for Mclaren?

Posted by checha 
New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 10:20AM
Posted by: checha
As we know the ferrari has tested and showed to the world their new car F2003 GA... now my question is... did mclaren show the car and tested?? i think if they have a car ready why not test the car.. I DONT THINK MCLAREN HAVE A NEW CAR FOR THIS YEAR..!!

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 10:55AM
Posted by: matthewp
this is rubbish, the car is almost finished but they are apparently having trouble 'stabalising' an extremely radical feature of the new car, if they weren't going to run it this year why would they only plan to have spare parts for the MP4-17 manufactured until Canada (although they may delay it even later, but it will run this season)

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 11:07AM
Posted by: checha
so a new car for 4 or 5 races?? i dont know how many million for 4 o 5 races i still thinking in no new car

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 11:23AM
Posted by: marcl
They will use the new car next year as well, it is meant to be that far ahead.

It will prob race in canada.

There is no rush anyway, the new Williams is slow at the moment, the new Ferrari is delayed and is full of problems.
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 11:38AM
Posted by: andrew_S
yeah you got to remember a car isnt specifically for a year, neciserly, it can have a longer life cycle, and can be improved apon and updated, the thing is they cant run the car, if they are half way over the other side of the world, and maybe it isnt fully ready yet as mat says


24 Heures Du Mans 18-19 June 2005
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 11:48AM
Posted by: checha
for sure mclaren have more points that any team at the moment but what i´m saying.. if what if ferrari have a great car for spain and mclaren need the new car to be competitive again.... where is the car??

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 11:58AM
Posted by: marcl
Williams in 1989 did run run there new car until portugal and used the car the following year.
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 12:10PM
Posted by: checha
let´s see!!

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 12:45PM
Posted by: Zcott
McLaren apparently have some kind of magic gizmos in the car which really required pit-to-car telemetry to keep an eye on them, so presumably they're really trying to iron out any kind of problem since there is none of that pit-to-car anymore.

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 13, 2003 01:02PM
Posted by: Lanky-Lad
Wouldn't it be better to spend 1.5 years on the car and try to be competitve than have 1 car 4 every year?
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 14, 2003 06:11PM
Posted by: Ellis


The thing about the McLaren was i dont think they excpeted to be this fast this year. The car they are using now is an updated 2002 car and i think they expected to still get beaten by the ferraris. They werent planning on title stuff this year. The new car will be a base for the 2004 car when they thought they could seriously challenge for the title.

but looks like there improvements are a bit better than they first thought!

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Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 14, 2003 11:48PM
Posted by: marcl
Well i like what Rubins said that the 2002 car is still a winner in 2003, think he is watching a different GP series as i make it mclaren 3 oh sorry 2 and jordan 1 Ferrari 0.

As i said in 1989 Williams did not bring out their new car until Portugal.
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 15, 2003 01:25AM
Posted by: Lanky-Lad
think he is watching a different GP series as i make it mclaren 3 oh sorry 2 and jordan 1 Ferrari 0.


"Treat others with respect and you too will be respected." Oac - ed'c dnia - E ys yldiymmo drec cyt. :)
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 15, 2003 04:37AM
Posted by: genesis
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 15, 2003 07:27AM
Posted by: marcl
I do not think mclaren will have the car in monaco, the drivers would not want to drive a strange car there of all places.

I really think they will wait for France
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 15, 2003 10:20PM
Posted by: jon
I agree, if the new car is ready b4 then, i would expect a hydrid of the 18 and 17d to run monaco, I would have thought they would run an updated 17d at monaco

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 20, 2003 06:48PM
Posted by: jginete
It's impossible an hybrid between 17d and 18. 18 is a radical car so, that hytbrid is impossible...

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 20, 2003 07:00PM
Posted by: Vader
Ron Dennis and Norbert Haug said the new car will come out at Montreal.

Norbert Haug said that right now it was more important to have a stable car than a fast car. Even if they cannot beat the F2003GA with their Mp4/17D, they will get enough points with this reliable car to defend the lead until the new car is 100% reliable. If they come out too early with it and Kimi ends up with a DNF and MS wins, Ferrari will close the gap on just one weekend.

I think it is a wise decision to wait until the car is reliable. McLaren have already achieved more in 2003 than most have thought they would. They can sort of sit back and wait. It is up to others to show their cards right now.

Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 20, 2003 07:04PM
Posted by: marcl
The new Ferrari is still not ready to race and only might race in spain, they are still not 100% sure it depends how the test goes.

I must say when i 1st saw the car i thought wow it looks good, now i think it looks a mess, its just the 2002 car with a new back and a bit tidyer and I am not 100% them front turning vains are legel they seem to come out a bit far. The winglet things on the back of the car look like u can snap them the car just looks like a bit of plasitc.
Re: New car for Mclaren?
Date: April 21, 2003 02:42AM
Posted by: _Alex_
yeah you got to remember a car isnt specifically for a year, neciserly, it can have a longer life cycle, and can be improved apon and updated

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