Wad Updater 4.2

Posted by Lo2k 
Wad Updater 4.2
Date: October 16, 2016 06:00PM
Posted by: Lo2k
Wadupdater can read, extract and import game files from and to storage .wad files.

- Extract selected/all files from a wad
- Create new wads from a selected folder
- Update one wad or all track wads any number of files
- Batch files auto-updating through scripts

New in 4.2 version
- Absolute and relative path can be used in batch scripts
- New -silent option to silently update 1wad with content of UpdateFolder
- /start /run /end commands are no more case sensitive
- for anim.wad, files not found are now placed in animationdata folder
- Track was crashing at loading when wad was rebuilt with Create Wad button
- Avoided 100% label to prevent user to close Wadupdater too soon
- Fixed Vista interface shrink
- Fixed incorrect extract popup window position
- New file list extension column
- file list sorting
- reworked GUI
- .wad files can now be associated with WadUpdater

BEWARE : This program can rewrite every track wad, so it is strongly adviced to backup .wad files before using it

open | download - WadUpdater4.2.zip (387.9 KB)
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