GP3 decrypted

Posted by abrakain 
GP3 decrypted
Date: February 13, 2007 11:23PM
Posted by: abrakain
Hy guys,
I have a brand new PC with WINXP pro,
I re-installed GP3, I updated it at V1.13 and then tried
to decrypt but when I try to use GP3 decrypter unsafedisc
crashes and can'0t decrypt anything.
please help me.
I tried other versions of Unsafedisc but can't decrypt my file
Any suggestion?
thanx in advance
Re: GP3 decrypted
Date: February 15, 2007 06:28PM
Posted by: Brianf666
What's Unsafedisk? Sounds like a little utility that causes more harm than good and you'd be best to remove it from your system. Sure, any program that changes an existing .exe file could be thought of as an unsafe procedure but that's modding for you.

Nico bites yer tyres!
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