JanciB Schreef:
> Rod_vs Wrote:
> > 1- This championship is totally offline;
> > 2- You need, only, ti make your helmet;
> > 3- At this moment, you need to wait all drivers
> > confirmed or not. BBut if you want, send me
> your
> > helmet!
> 1 - Yeah, I know. In the past I played in the
> Little Formula Racing Series. Keyboard digital
> times are generally little slower than wheel
> analog times.
> 2 - Where can I make my helmet?
Well my friend maybe you find one in my packet of helmets I made for Drafi5, you can download them of his site.
Just click on Brett Sinclair Helmets and choose the one you like.
Then send it to Rod_vs and if you got a team he will put the sponsors of that team on your helmet.
Have fun choosing.

GPGSL-3: VTR Driver, S4~S11 (2nd,
1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3th, 4th, 3th, 2nd)(Constructorstitel S7 & S9)
GPGSL-4: ONE Race Driver, S8~S11 //TYRANT Race Driver, S12:
1st, S13:13th, S14:
1st, S15:13th //WREXHAM Race Driver S16: 4th
TYRANT Race Driver S17: