Grand Prix 3 2000 - Install Fix

Posted by turkey_machine 
Grand Prix 3 2000 - Install Fix
Date: April 17, 2008 04:26PM
Posted by: turkey_machine
This is the GP3 2000 install fix that seems to have disappeared from the FAQ. I found this after having had problems installing GP32k, and after following the instructions in the FAQ and other suggestions here and there, here's how to get it working properly. :)

- Copy the entire CD (Select every file in Explorer, Copy) to a directory on your hard disk, for example: C:\GP32kCD

- Extract the contents of this ZIP file (md5 of both ZIP and contents to be posted later, so people don't PM me about why it doesn't work) to the directory you copied the CD to. In the example above, it would be C:\GP32kCD

- Run "install.exe" and with a little bit of luck it should install correctly. :)

- When it has finished installing, you can safely delete the "CD" directory (example above: C:\GP32kCD) as it serves no further purpose, other than possibly being burnt to a CD so you don't have to go through this again. :)

If you have problems downloading it, firstly please use a download manager (very important!), and check that there are actually files in the ZIP, they have a capacity, and that md5 hashes match.

Contents of

Name           Size (bytes)  Packed (bytes)  Type        Description      MD5 Hash
----           ------------  --------------  ----        -----------      --------
C0NfU73x.nfo   898           301             Text Info   Text info file      970,694       968,105         CAB file    Install CAB
data1.hdr      257,466       77,217          HDR file    HDR file      685,390       684,929         CAB file    Install CAB

Everyone knows that million-to-one chances happen 9 times out of 10; indeed, it's a common requirement in fairy tales. If the human didn't have to overcome huge odds, what would be the point? Terry Pratchett - The Science Of Discworld

GPGSL S5 Race driver for IED.

open | download - (1.65 MB)
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